Autor Tema: Dishonored 2  (Posjeta: 14545 vremena)

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Offline blowfish

Dishonored 2
« u: Lipanj 15, 2015, 13:27:38 »
Osim Fallouta, Bethesda najavila i Dishonored 2. Ja se osobno ovome više radujem jer je jedinica bila stvarno dobra igra. Najbolji stealth koji sam igrao zadnjih godina.

Nema još gameplaya, ali trailer rula.

! No longer available
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Offline gamelaker

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #1 u: Lipanj 15, 2015, 13:41:11 »
prvi dishonored definitivno među top stealth igrama zadnjih par godina. vidim da će dizajn bit vrh kao i kod prvog nastavka,,,

nek samo malo više pažnje posvete priči i ja zadovoljan (daleko od toga da je bila loša u orginalu).

Offline doktor1

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #2 u: Rujan 17, 2015, 20:54:04 »

Offline Luckyluke

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #3 u: Svibanj 04, 2016, 14:14:58 »

Offline blowfish

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #4 u: Svibanj 04, 2016, 14:18:31 »
Rulat će igra.  Jedinica mi je osobno bila ponajbolja stealth igra u zadnjih 6-7 godina.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Offline Luckyluke

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #5 u: Svibanj 04, 2016, 14:28:51 »
I meni. Baš sam se zguštao u toj igri, imala je odličan stealth. Mislim čak da sam ju dvaput prešao što zadnjih godina jaaaaaako rijetko radim.

Offline Cole™

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #6 u: Svibanj 04, 2016, 14:37:01 »
Moje GOTY izdanje čeka da ga pređem na Steamu.
Gola verzija igre mi je jedan od najdražih novih IP-a ikad. :)
CASE: CoolerMaster HAF 912 Plus || CPU: CPU AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 4.4GHz || MBO: MSI X570-A PRO, AM4 || RAM: DDR4 16GB (2x8) 3200MHz Fury || GPU: GeForce® GTX 1070 WINDFORCE OC 8G - Gigabyte  || SSD: SSD KIN 240GB HyperX Savage || HDD: 2 TB Toshiba || HDD 2: WD 1TB blackcaviar || EHDD: WD 500 GB || POWER: Fortron 750W Raider II || LCD: DELL S2415H 23.8" IPS glossy || OS: Windows 10® - 64bit || GAME CONTROLER: Xbox One Controller for PC || KEYBOARD: Logitech Illuminated Keyboard K740 || MOUSE: Logitech G502 ||  RACING CHAIR: NITRO CONCEPTS E200 Race || SPEAKERS: Logitech Z323 || HEADSET: Hyper Cloud II || CONSOLE: PS4 PRO 1TB

Offline doktor1

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #7 u: Svibanj 05, 2016, 11:52:30 »
    Visually the game pretty much looks like a more detailed version of the last game.

    Before anyone asks, there's no co-op, as they weren't sure how to design that in.

    The game runs on a modified version of idtech5 they've dubbed The Void Engine.

    The game takes place 15 years after the original.

    After the events of the first game, Corvo was concerned that at some point, people would attempt to assassinate Emily. As such, he spent said 15 years training her how to be a magical assassin like him whenever she wasn't too busy being Empress.

    The game starts out with you playing as Emily during a coup d'etat and having to escape.

    Afterwards, you choose whether to play as Emily on her quest to reclaim her throne, or as Corvo with the same objective.

    "When fans found out they could play Dishonored 2 from the perspective of Emily Kaldwin, they were overwhelmingly positive. "The response was stunning for us," Smith says."

    The game starts and ends in Dunwall, but the rest of the game takes place in Karnaca, which is inspired by Mediterranean European countries and is the birthplace of Corvo. Karnaca is also where the
majority of the game takes place.

    There's a bunch of stuff about their art design process in here. Let's just suffice it to say that if you liked how the first game looked and how the universe was, you should be satisfied here.
    Anton Sokolov is back.

    The plot setup for how missions works sounds pretty similar. There's some public figure doing bad things and you get information/help from other characters to help in your goal of taking them down.

    The guards are a lot smarter this time and can also do things like vault around and scale objects to chase you.

    Emily has a new set of powers. Far Reach is this giant hand grappling hook thing that pulls you around. It's like blink, except you actually physically move across spaces, so guards can notice you. Far
Reach can also be used as a weapon by swinging around environment objects.

    The game is a lot more vertical so these movement abilities are especially important.

    You can do non-lethal aerial takedowns.

    Missions have various options for completion and progression throughout, much like the previous game.

    You can use guards as human shields.

    Non-lethal/stealth options have been expanded quite a bit to be more up to par with the amount of lethal options.

    Another one of Emily's abilities is Mesmerize, which stuns multiple guards temporarily.

    You can puts guards into beds to avoid suspicion.

    There's a bunch of difficulty sliders for things like how visible you are in cover.

    There's quick saving/quick load in all versions of the game now along with checkpoints so you don't risk losing much progress at any given time.

    Coy non-comment about mods. Please download™.

    Another of Emily's powers is Domino. You link up to four guards together, and then whatever happens to one guard, happens to the rest. For example, if you link four guards, and then lead one into a
stun mine, all four are stunned.

    This also works with Doppelganger, where you create a clone of yourself, then link it to the guards, and blow up your own clone.

    Emily also has the Shadow Walk ability which lets her slink into shadows and squeeze into tight places.

    Some of the missions have neutral areas where you can go around and talk to the various citizens to get a feel for the city and hints toward your mission.

    Your base of operations is a boat.

    Batman Detective Vision returns.

    Both Emily and Corvo have a pistol, sword, and crossbow, but they look different. Also they have different end game upgrades to the items.

    Corvo has the same powers as the last game, but they're upgraded and expanded.

    Corvo is voiced by Garrett from Thief because Harvey and Raf like Thief and this game has obviously ate its lunch.

    Corvo's Bend Time ability can now also fast forward time.

    Corvo's possession ability can now be chained between creatures.

    The abilities now unlock in a tree.

    Corvo's blink can assassinate someone through a glass window starting at level 1.

    The mansion from the trailer is an interlocking puzzle level where you pull levers and open new areas and all sorts of stuff like that.

    The clockwork soldiers are now wood instead of porcelain, though it's nice looking wood.

    They're trying to make the ending and morality systems less bad this time.

Offline doktor1

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #8 u: Svibanj 17, 2016, 17:36:12 »

« Zadnja izmjena: Svibanj 17, 2016, 17:38:44 od doktor1 »

Offline Cole™

CASE: CoolerMaster HAF 912 Plus || CPU: CPU AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 4.4GHz || MBO: MSI X570-A PRO, AM4 || RAM: DDR4 16GB (2x8) 3200MHz Fury || GPU: GeForce® GTX 1070 WINDFORCE OC 8G - Gigabyte  || SSD: SSD KIN 240GB HyperX Savage || HDD: 2 TB Toshiba || HDD 2: WD 1TB blackcaviar || EHDD: WD 500 GB || POWER: Fortron 750W Raider II || LCD: DELL S2415H 23.8" IPS glossy || OS: Windows 10® - 64bit || GAME CONTROLER: Xbox One Controller for PC || KEYBOARD: Logitech Illuminated Keyboard K740 || MOUSE: Logitech G502 ||  RACING CHAIR: NITRO CONCEPTS E200 Race || SPEAKERS: Logitech Z323 || HEADSET: Hyper Cloud II || CONSOLE: PS4 PRO 1TB

Offline blowfish

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #10 u: Listopad 26, 2016, 14:03:50 »

I u konkurenciji Battlefielda, Mafie, Titanfalla i svih ostalih razvikanih naslova, ovome se još uvijek najviše radujem.

Trailer je odličan, jedva čekam igru  p1va
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Offline blowfish

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #11 u: Studeni 14, 2016, 08:38:48 »
Jučer uspio odigrati par sati u komadu. Igra je fenomenalna! Nema ničeg revolucionarnog ili potpuno novog, taman je onakva kakva bi trebalo biti. Zadržali su sve što je u jedinici bilo dobro i to unaprijedili, dodali novu lokaciju, novi glavni lik i priču. Krećete kao Emily, ali odmah nakon tutoriala vam se u toku misije ponudi s kim želite nastaviti. Ja sam odabrao nju, iako mi je možda malo žao. Corvo je badass  kava1

Novi grad me oduševljava. Tek sam odigrao 3 misije jer mi je fakat gušt istraživati, tražiti rune i igrati full-stealth (još nikog nisam ubio do sada), ali mogu reći da je art style i level dizajn bolji nego u prvom dijelu. Sad zadnja misija se odvija u institutu na nekom Alcatrazish otočiću i level dizajn je genijalan. Neprijatelji malo priglupi, ali prožvakat ću...

Što se tiče performansi, istina je sve što se piše. Igra radi poprilično užasno i ima dropove na svakoj malo zahtjevnijoj sekvenci, ali koliko sam uspio skužiti to se događa zbog nekog buga pri kojem proces ode u power-saving mode i time ne koristi puni potencijal hardvera. Trebali bi kroz koji dan to popraviti. Smanjio sam detalje na medium i lockao na 40 frejmova pa mi je igrivo, ali vjerujem da će biti puno ugodnije iskustvo kad srede to.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Offline doktor1

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #12 u: Ožujak 12, 2017, 23:06:01 »
Sutra napokon odigrat ovu igru...  thumbs1
Dugo sam je htjeo uzet i mislim da sada vrijedi ovih 25 eura koliko sam platio, a i došle su dvije zakrpe koje rješavaju probleme koje je igra imala po izlasku...

Jedinica mi je bila vrh, prešo sam je dva puta(!), a dva DLCa za nju su bili još bolji od same igre...
Sutra više dojmova, a ako bude bolja od prethodnika to će biti WTF!

Offline doktor1

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #13 u: Ožujak 13, 2017, 14:54:25 »
Odigro par sati...
Po pitanju prezentacije mislio sam da je to jako slično sa prethodnikom no to nije slučaj! Igra je predivna te je sve prepuno sitnih detalja  thumbs1
Dizajn je i dalje Dishonorovski, pastelasti no uz veliki, veliki plus koji mi je smeto u prethodniku - naš protagonist / protagonistica nisu mutavi!
Iskrcavši se u Karnaci tek se vidi koliko je to napredovalo, (prije se još nalazimo u Dunwallu)...
Odabro sam Emily jer mi nekako njen pogled na ovaj nastavk više paše, a pošto sam jeidnicu prešo dva puta vrlo lako moguće da će biti još jedan prelazak sa Corvom.

U svakom segmentu je igra napredovala i to je upravo ono šta sam htjeo! Također smatram da je potrebno odigrati prethodniak jer tada likovi i priča imaju veću dubinu i značenje
Oh, da ima Iron Man mod  kava1  thumbs1
Također AI mi se svidio - ukoliko uklonimo nekog stražara sa njegove lokacije, ako je sa njime prije netko pričo i vrati se te njega nema oni će se zapitat gdje li je nesto i nešto počet mumljat...

Mislim da je obavezno štivo za svakog tko je uživo u prethodniku...
Čak me i glasovna postava iznenadila:

« Zadnja izmjena: Ožujak 13, 2017, 14:59:27 od doktor1 »

Offline Cole™

Odg: Dishonored 2
« Odgovori #14 u: Ožujak 13, 2017, 15:52:32 »
Drago mi je da ti se sviđa!  thumbs1

Kako igra radi?
Jel ispeglana napokon?
Čuo sam da su Corvo i Emily totalno različiti po svim spodobnostima!
Kulnost na najjače.
CASE: CoolerMaster HAF 912 Plus || CPU: CPU AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 4.4GHz || MBO: MSI X570-A PRO, AM4 || RAM: DDR4 16GB (2x8) 3200MHz Fury || GPU: GeForce® GTX 1070 WINDFORCE OC 8G - Gigabyte  || SSD: SSD KIN 240GB HyperX Savage || HDD: 2 TB Toshiba || HDD 2: WD 1TB blackcaviar || EHDD: WD 500 GB || POWER: Fortron 750W Raider II || LCD: DELL S2415H 23.8" IPS glossy || OS: Windows 10® - 64bit || GAME CONTROLER: Xbox One Controller for PC || KEYBOARD: Logitech Illuminated Keyboard K740 || MOUSE: Logitech G502 ||  RACING CHAIR: NITRO CONCEPTS E200 Race || SPEAKERS: Logitech Z323 || HEADSET: Hyper Cloud II || CONSOLE: PS4 PRO 1TB