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Racing periferija => Racing periferija => Fanatec => Autor teme: the_prodigy - Studeni 17, 2015, 20:44:31

Naslov: Fanatec CSL P1 Steering Wheel za Xbox One
Autor: the_prodigy - Studeni 17, 2015, 20:44:31

This is the first component of the new CSL series which is positioned below the very popular ClubSport Series.

This steering wheel is an add-on for your existing ClubSport V1 or V2 base or the upcoming CSL base. As soon as you connect this steering wheel to your base the whole system with attached peripherals like shifters, pedals or handbrake will become an Xbox One peripheral.

The diameter of 30 cm makes it more compact than other ClubSport steering wheels and the low weight of 1170 g makes it spin and react very fast.

The most unique feature is the combination of the center stripe and the shift light. A multicolor LED  illuminates the center stripe so you always see the middle of the wheel rim as well as the revs of your engine.

The TUNING LED display is also integrated on top of the rim and enables you to see telemetry data right in front of your eyes.

The spokes of the P1 steering wheel are made of brushed aluminum and match the solid feel of the metal shifter paddles.

A new quick release system will mount the wheel with strong forces to the wheel base hence allows a quick change of the steering wheel.

The CSL P1 Steering Wheel for Xbox One will be is available from now on at Fanatec Europe ([url][/url]) with immediate delivery in several countries and at a price of 149,95 € (EU) or 139,95 USD (US) which makes it the most affordable steering wheel option from Fanatec.

CSL Steering Wheel P1 for Xbox One EU - CSL (

Znači stiže nova Fanatec CSL baza, očito nešto slabija od CSW V2 ako su napisali da je rangirana ispod Clubsporta, vjerovatno kao što je bila CSR prije. Mislim da ovih 150 € za volan nije puno, ako se uzme u obzir da jedan original novi OMP, MOMO ili Sparco dođu 200-250 € bez ikakvih dodataka, ovdje je ipak i display i quickrelease u kompletu. Dijameter 30cm taman. Jedino me zanima kako će biti kad se rukom uhvati taj display koji je direktno na volanu, da ga nebi netko zdrobio  cer1njo

Vjerovatno će sa CSL bazom biti u rangu T300 / T100 Thrustmastera, pa tako i simracerima biti pristupačniji sa cijenom. A i naravno podrškom za nove konzole.
Naslov: Odg: Fanatec CSL P1 Steering Wheel za Xbox One
Autor: Cole™ - Studeni 17, 2015, 20:46:26
To je to!
Što više volana da si svi mogu priuštiti.
Ovako mogu ljudi i sa slabijim budžetom si priuštiti nešto kvalitetnije volane.
Naslov: Odg: Fanatec CSL P1 Steering Wheel za Xbox One
Autor: hendrix - Studeni 17, 2015, 23:25:48
Krivo si shvatio...ovo ti je samo volan koji košta cijenu koju si rekao a ide na bazu V2...razlika je u tome šta ti ne treba univerzalni hub, nego samo ovaj volan  thumbs1 tako da opet pričamo o cijeno preko 800€ za onog tko nema volan (bez pedala)

Fanatec CSL Steering Wheel P1 for Xbox One Announced - Inside Sim Racing (
Naslov: Odg: Fanatec CSL P1 Steering Wheel za Xbox One
Autor: the_prodigy - Studeni 18, 2015, 01:29:41
Na to sam i mislio, mozda sam se krivo izrazio. Znam da se radi samo o volanu kao dodatku za bazu, a htio sam reci i to su najavili da stize i ta CSL baza koja ce sigurno biti jeftinija od CSW tako da bi onda cijena te baze sa volanom mogla biti 450-600 €, sve ovisi sta ce bit u toj bazi.