CroSimRacing Forum

Virtual Racing => Ekskluzive => Autor teme: Dragster - Travanj 05, 2012, 13:07:56

Naslov: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Dragster - Travanj 05, 2012, 13:07:56
Pozdrav, evo vidim da nema LFS teme, što me čudi, budući da je ova igra na glasu kao jedna od najboljih voznih simulacija na PC-u.

Nakon kupljene license sam išao prodivljati po novim stazicama u novim autićima  ;D (miš+tipkovnica)

Live for Speed - trening (

Nakon određenog vremena skompao sam se s ekipom na pa smo se prvo ganjali, da bi završili na driftu! Budući da su već znali driftati, a i imali su volane, ja sam im poslužio kao kamerman i urednik  ;D:

Live for Speed - Drifting Practice (

Nakon što sam si pribavio gamepad (Logitech F510), počeo sam i ja bacati u bok potajno  cry1  šofe1:

Logitech F510 LFS test (

Sad se igram s postavkama koliko znam ovako na prvu ruku, zaista puno toga ima značajnog utjecaja na vozni model... Svakako preporučam igru!

---> Download (
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Dragster - Travanj 08, 2012, 00:42:18
Šta je pice, nitko ne igra ovo?  cry1
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Cole™ - Travanj 08, 2012, 01:19:13
Pored Forze i GT-a sumnjam  jaad
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Dragster - Travanj 08, 2012, 10:53:31

shvaćaš valjda da je ovo simulacija u pravom smislu te riječi? umijeće je zatvoriti jedan krug bez izletavanja u RWD autu...

forza i gt nisu simulacije, jebemu
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Cole™ - Travanj 08, 2012, 11:01:24
Si probao Forzu?  cer1njo
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Dragster - Travanj 08, 2012, 11:04:44
prijatelju, tsukubu driftam pola staze u vezi  thumbs1

jesi pogledao treći video? jesi probao ovo? kolko god da ti igra izgleda loše ili ne znam što, vožnja je perfektno izvedena
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Montoya - Travanj 08, 2012, 11:07:58
Si probao Forzu?  cer1njo

Nemoj GT i Forzu (nikad) stavljati u rang GTR-a, GTL-a, rF-a, LSF-a, F1 CH itd...
Nema tu nikakvih usporedbi po pitanju simulacije.

Dragster, prije pada foruma bilo je ljudi kaj su igrali LFS, očito se nisu opet regali :(
BTW, probaj potražiti nekog u GTR & rFactor podforumima.
Meni je osobno poredak ovakav: GTR 2 (ultimativni racing kralj), GTL, rFactor.
LFS u nekim stvarima i pretjeruje.
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: ManTheRamparts - Travanj 08, 2012, 11:10:15
Si probao Forzu?  cer1njo

Nemoj GT i Forzu (nikad) stavljati u rang GTR-a, GTL-a, rF-a, LSF-a, F1 CH itd...
Nema tu nikakvih usporedbi po pitanju simulacije.

Dragster, prije pada foruma bilo je ljudi kaj su igrali LFS, očito se nisu opet regali :(
BTW, probaj potražiti nekog u GTR & rFactor podforumima.
Meni je osobno poredak ovakav: GTR 2 (ultimativni racing kralj), GTL, rFactor.
LFS u nekim stvarima i pretjeruje.
To kaj veli Montoya, nije simulacija samo vozni model, puno stvari GT i Forza još trebaju posložiti da bi se približili svima gore navedenima. Ko igre možda i jesu bolji, ali ko simulacije - ne.
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Cole™ - Travanj 08, 2012, 11:16:20
Ma na to sam mislil, uglavnom slazem se.
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Dragster - Travanj 08, 2012, 11:17:52
cole, reći ću ti isto da mi je trebalo oko 2 sata preznojavanja i živciranja da spojim onaj zadnji zavoj na kraju trećeg filmića, da bih na kraju skužio da je jako bitan detalj TEMPERATURA GUMA.

forza i gt5 su teška kežuala naspram ovog il ovih igara što je Montoya nabrojao

šteta da ne igrate ja se baš zagrijao  jaad
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Cole™ - Travanj 08, 2012, 11:22:42
Probat cu sigurno, kada mali ulovim vremena, trenutno nikako.
Original imas jel?
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Dragster - Travanj 08, 2012, 11:27:06
licencu kupiš s neta... iako za početak probaj demo samo. ja sam uzeo licencu skoro pa bezveze, jer u zadnje vrijeme vozim samo taj narančasti auto na gornjoj stazi, a to sve ima u demu  cry1

i da, ne rejsam niš, driftam samo  sm1jeh
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Thergothon - Travanj 08, 2012, 11:32:47
Igrao jos prije, i da jako je dobro.
Ali malo pretjerujes ili si tek jucer poceo voziti, nikakvih problema nisam imao s kontroliranjem i lakse se vozi od igara po kojima pljujes. Veca simulacija je samo zbog trosenja auta, temp. guma itd. stvari koje su potrebne za HC simulaciju.
Naravno, za pravi osjecaj je potreban volan...
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: ManTheRamparts - Travanj 08, 2012, 11:45:55
Tak je i meni bilo čudno to oko tog kontroliranja, jer znam da nisam imal većih problema dok sam igral. Makar davno je to bilo, dok se GTR2 i rFactor vrtel na velko. Trenutno mi je Forza 4 vrh s obzirom na omjer zabava/simulacija.
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Dragster - Travanj 08, 2012, 11:47:54

po kojim igrama pljujem?  cry1

ne vozim od jučer, vozim kojih tri tjedna i oprosti, teško je driftati. Igram sa gamepadom inače... Kad sam rekao zatvoriti krug na stazi to sam mislio zatvoriti ga sa kontinuiranim driftanjem. Ako to tebi nije problem, čestitam ti

edit: tek sad vidio: LAKŠE SE VOZI OD IGARA PO KOJIMA PLJUJEM (pretpostavljam gt i forza, koje su mi izvanredne igre) - uozbilji se  ave1

edit2: valjda kužite da ja SAMO driftam, jel?  cry1 i sve što govorim ima veze sa driftanjem... Utrkivanje po apexima nije toliko bed pogotovo s autima koji nisu RWD, ali molim vas, na koju to foru se lakše vozi LFS naspram Forze il nečeg?  cer1njo
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Thergothon - Travanj 08, 2012, 11:56:39
Krivo si shvatio i ti moj, a i ja tvoj post  cer1njo
Nije pljuvanje, ali je podcjenjivanje necega sto nisi probao - govorim o sustini tj. voznom modelu i fizici, forza i gt uopce ne zaostaju na tom polju.....
Ne driftam pa ne zelim ni komentirati, cinilo mi se da pricas o normalnoj voznji i utrkivanju.
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: ManTheRamparts - Travanj 08, 2012, 12:00:08
Drifanje mene ne zanima, znam samo da me igra nije uspela zadržati i da sam se jako brzo vratil na GTR2. Dobro se vozi, istina je, i dobro je izveden force feedback na volan.
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Thergothon - Travanj 08, 2012, 12:02:16
Zanemari jer nema smisla da jedan drugome nesto dokazujemo, slazem se da su jedino PC voznje prave punokrvne simulacije, ali tvrdnja da gt i forza uopce nisu simulacije jednostavno ne stoji! Uzivaj u driftanju....
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Dragster - Travanj 08, 2012, 12:09:07
Krivo si shvatio i ti moj, a i ja tvoj post  cer1njo
Nije pljuvanje, ali je podcjenjivanje necega sto nisi probao - govorim o sustini tj. voznom modelu i fizici, forza i gt uopce ne zaostaju na tom polju.....
Ne driftam pa ne zelim ni komentirati, cinilo mi se da pricas o normalnoj voznji i utrkivanju.

al probao sam forzu 4, forzu 1 imam, GT4 imam, a probao sam i peticu. Ne znam, meni je značajna razlika u voznom modelu.  cry1 Ne kažem da je jedan bolji od drugog, ali LFS igram kad želim posvetiti par sati jednoj stazi ili nekom nizu zavoja, GT/Forzu igram zavaljen u fotelji, nikako mi ne idu sve te igre u isti koš

Tijekom drifta se baš osjeti ta razlika o kojoj pričam, jer se tu testiraju granice voznog modela i koliko su kontrole zbilja integrirane u igru... npr, clutch kick nasred zavoja, cimanje sa ručnom (tijekom zavoja), puno sitnih detalja. U Forzi/GT-u moš driftat preko one stvari, a bome i vozit
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Thergothon - Travanj 08, 2012, 12:12:14
Probao sve navedeno na volan bez asistencija i simulation fizikom?
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Dragster - Travanj 08, 2012, 12:14:11
nisam na volan igram na gamepad... misliš da bih bio na ovom forumu da igram na arkadnom modu?  cry1

ako ne driftate, teško ćete znati o čemu pričam

zaključak je da je LFS hardkor simulacija, forza i gt simulacija  shy1
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: ManTheRamparts - Travanj 08, 2012, 12:22:53
Za driftanje. To je zaključak.  cer1njo

Nema potrebe sad tu nekome dokazivati da je nekaj bolje od nečeg, svako ima svoje favorite i uvijek bude postojala subjektivnost. Meni je taj LFS bil dobar i ništ više, nije imal ono nekaj da me zadrži.

Uz to niti jedna igra se ne vozi kak se auto zapravo vozi. Sve imaju neke rupe u svojem voznom modelu, tak da ono, do preksutra bi se dalo razglabati o toj temi i opet se ne bi ništ s tim postiglo.

Ako te veseli driftanje i ako misliš da je ovo najbolja stvar za to, igraj - zakaj ne, ne vidim neki problem. Ali glede samog utrkivanja nije to - to mi bilo. Po samom osjećaju utrkivanja i osjećaju stiskanja auta Forza 4 je po meni trenutno najbolja vožnja (ne i simulacija: gledam omjer zabava/simulacija - mislim da je zabava ipak ono najbitnije kaj oćemo dobiti od igre).

Tebe veseli drift i sve kaj si navel glede drifta je vjerojatno i istina, tak da je samim tim LFS pravi izbor za tebe.
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Thergothon - Travanj 08, 2012, 12:23:50
Ma sve stima, ali pokusavam ti reci da je drukciji osjecaj na volan.
Dok sam promijenil volan prije par mjeseci (t500rs) islo se sve redom testirat i na pc-u i na konzolama.
GTR2, rfactor, LFS, netKar, GT...... svaka igra ima svoj vozni model jer ipak su to samo igre i potrebno je privikavanje, ali niti jedna od navedenih ne zaostaje puno za drugima. Nisam zainteresiran za drift, nego samo voznja i obaranje tisucinki tak da ne mogu nista reci po tom pitanju. Vjerojano je LFS kralj kaj se tice drifta, ali meni to malo znaci  ;D
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Dragster - Travanj 08, 2012, 12:34:39
Za driftanje. To je zaključak.  cer1njo

to nije zaključak, to se pretpostavlja!  :P

i zaključak je da ste pice i da vas je strah malo baciti boki  ;D hug1

I sori ali nisam jedini koji misli da su GTR/LFS pa i Richard Burns Rally, npr. i ostale takve igre HARDKOR simulacije, koje ipak sadrže više nekih kritičnih detalja od igara poput Forze/GT-a/Shifta/Dirt-a il nečeg! Meni to predstavlja dvije različite vrste vozačkih igara, jer jednostavno mi je više koncentracije potrebno za te moje "hardkor" simulacije  cry1 ne znam kako objasniti

koga briga s druge strane? meni je to sve odlično  cer1njo ko vanilija i čokolada :9
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Thergothon - Travanj 08, 2012, 12:41:41
Za driftanje. To je zaključak.  cer1njo

to nije zaključak, to se pretpostavlja!  :P

i zaključak je da ste pice i da vas je strah malo baciti boki  ;D hug1

I sori ali nisam jedini koji misli da su GTR/LFS pa i Richard Burns Rally, npr. i ostale takve igre HARDKOR simulacije, koje ipak sadrže više nekih kritičnih detalja od igara poput Forze/GT-a/Shifta/Dirt-a il nečeg! Meni to predstavlja dvije različite vrste vozačkih igara, jer jednostavno mi je više koncentracije potrebno za te moje "hardkor" simulacije  cry1 ne znam kako objasniti

koga briga s druge strane? meni je to sve odlično  cer1njo ko vanilija i čokolada :9

Opet stavljas kruske i jabuke u istu kosaru  cer1njo
Ma joj, sve se to vozilo i to jako puno - nisam od jucer  :P
Mozda tebi kojemu je to sad sve novo je CUDO, meni vise nije i cekam vise neki pravi nastavak jer ne mogu igrati 6 i vise godina non-stop istu igru makar kak dobra bila.
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: ManTheRamparts - Travanj 08, 2012, 12:43:04
Richard Burns je glede relija bog i batina tu definitivno nema nikakve rasprave. A s ovim djelom si ga grdo zeznul ''Forze/GT-a/Shifta/Dirt''.  cer1njo

Mislim, kužim kaj si htel reći i slažem se, ipak ima više simulacijskih elemenata, ali nemoj molim te mi stavljati Shift i Dirt u isti koš s GT-om, a kamoli s Forzom jer su oni još par klasa ispod.  cer1njo

Ali istina je glede koncentracije, jako puno sam igral GTR2, rFactor, GT Legends - treba više strpljenja nego recimo za Forzu i GT, al to je to - Forza i GT ciljaju na šire tržište, pa su samim tim i pristupačnije igre, ali reći da nemaju dubinu je notorna glupost, jer se i iz njih more zvleči isto tak kaj treba puno koncentracije, samo treba zagrepsti ispod površine. Dok se krene u obaranje tisućinki sve ovo hardcore i koncentracija vezana uz PC simulacije se prenosi i na ovo, vjeruj mi. Nekaj sam se navozil i na PC-u i na konzolama. I to ne u smislu da sam igral igru 3 sata i to je to, nego baš kaj sam se posvetil. Sve ima svoje prednosti i mane, pa tak nisu ni PC simulacije bezgrešne.
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Dragster - Travanj 08, 2012, 12:55:41
e pa vidite momci, meni je to upravo isti tip igara  shy1 tako ih ja doživljavam, otprilike istu količinu živaca je potrebno uložiti za kežualno igranje, bar što se mene tiče. LFS je teško kežualno igrati, jel... nisam slučajno dodao šift i ostalo... nisam ni ja od jučer ;D

jel dosta ove mutave diskusije  :P evo ja više neću odgovarat, obećajem, pa ako netko ima potrebu neka zaključi  cer1njo
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: ManTheRamparts - Travanj 08, 2012, 12:56:28
KRAJ  cer1njo
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Jadran 73 - Travanj 09, 2012, 10:51:42
Nije me bilo neko vrijeme a vidim da je otvoren i LFS podforum pa evo da se i ja javim  ;D

Jedna od prvih PC igara koje sam poceo vozit je LFS

Evo i neka moja statistika:

( (

Nekad jedan od najboljih racin servera vezanih za LFS
Race Authority - CTRA (

Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Dragster - Travanj 10, 2012, 12:28:13
impresivno!  ave1
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Jadran 73 - Studeni 29, 2012, 23:27:41
New Version : 0.6D

[NOTE : There was a mistake in 0.6C which is fixed in 0.6D]

Dear LFS Racers,

We have released a new version of LFS with a much improved multiplayer system.
While using the same physics as 0.6B, it provides a much smoother, more reliable and interactive online experience.
In previous versions there were often delays and lags on busy servers, but the new one works in a completely different way.
We are still working on the new tyre physics and additional content, but had to take some time out from that because some hackers found a way to go online with no user name.

Some new things in 0.6D :

- New "instant" join system for fast and reliable connection
- No delays to others caused by players with slow connections
- New packet buffering and storage system reduces server load
- New hacking protection and cheat detection systems
- Two new translations : Indonesian and Romanian
- Various other fixes and improvements

Four ways to get Version 0.6D :

1) AUTO UPDATER - If you already have version version 0.5V or later :
- Click on "Multiplayer" then "List of Games" in LFS and choose a download mirror.

2) MANUAL PATCH (3.9 MB) - If you already have version 0.5Z25 or later :
- Click HERE ( and save the patch (installer).
- You can run the patch installer from its download location or from your LFS folder.

3) MANUAL PATCH (2.1 MB) - If you already have version 0.6B or later :
Self-extracting archive - not an installer - only use if you know what this means!
- Click HERE ( and save the self-extracting archive into your LFS folder.
- It is advisable to run the self-extracting archive from within your LFS folder.

4) FULL VERSION (135 MB) - If you are new to LFS or making a fresh installation.
- Click HERE ( to visit the download page and get the full version installer.

DEDICATED HOST 0.6D (non-graphical version for hosting only) : DOWNLOAD (

List of changes from 0.6B to 0.6D :

Improved multiplayer system :

Guest only needs host packets to continue processing
No waiting for packets from players with slow connections
Leaving a host is instantaneous even if a guest is connecting
Longer timeouts avoid disconnection due to short interruptions

New TCP packet buffering and storage system :

Reduces the number of physical packets sent
Major improvement when many InSim buttons are sent
Fixes some ways to lose connection on a busy server

New "instant" join system using cached packets :

Much faster connection to multiplayer hosts
Connection appears instant to the other guests
You can pit / spectate / etc. while a player is connecting
No OOS caused by joining while objects are added or removed

Other multiplayer updates :

New hacking protection and cheat detection systems
Improved user name checks during and after connection
Lag bars at bottom left show ping or delay of all guests
Ping time (or delay) shown as number in list of connections
OOS / CPW messages now show user name instead of player name
Instead of "LAG (seconds)" now "name (seconds)" is displayed
No buffer overflows from hangs or operating system time changes
Auto rename when you join a host with someone else's player name
User name in brackets now shown at end of disconnection messages
Left / right click on player name in replay now works as online
Race setup screen /clear command can now only be used by admins
Use of UDP or TCP is shown beside host name in connections list
Removed notification sound when a car is spectated by an admin
Added /player command to dedicated host setup.cfg file

LFS World statistics fixes :

Wrong PB recorded if custom checkpoints added without restart
Live host progress did not show changes to laps or qualifying
After forced to spectate by admin - status remained "in race"
Adding an AI driver changed real player's status to "in race"
Spectating from garage screen left player's status "in pits"

Other changes :

Latvian training lessons now included
Two new translations : Indonesian and Romanian
Maximum marshall circles increased from 96 to 120
Maximum autocross objects increased from 800 to 900
Pit exit direction arrow now works in open configurations
SHIFT + N : sound on / off now works in multiplayer screens

InSim :

Added new leave reasons (CPW / OOS / JOOS / HACK) for IS_CNL
Change to in-game usage of IS_REO - only valid after SMALL_VTA

Fixes :

Custom view was not set to new car type on replay restart
Duplicate lines in scripts could cause unexpected results
Virtual speedo sometimes overlapped numbers (e.g. XRG km/h)
Leaving garage screen could cause problems with a car script
User's controller type was not shown after taking over a car
SHIFT+R near end of SPR could make cars swap between players
Circuit length is no longer displayed for open configurations
Remote car with brakes on started to roll if reset on a slope
LFS could crash when displaying laps for fuel after short laps
Ready status in lobby is now checked when a player disconnects
Load WE1R on dedicated host - Checkpoint 1 path node not found
Short MP Replays were sometimes extended to a time of 10:55.36
It was possible to make an AI driver join with a disallowed car
Message typed while watching replay appeared as written by host
Message "Max guest cars : X" now shown in the selected language
Cars intersected if players joined autocross at the same time
An unusual state in which LFS displayed only a blank screen
Two instances of LFS no longer write to the same MPR / SPR

- LFS Developers

IZVOR: LFS Forum (
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Roocky - Travanj 08, 2013, 11:23:47
Igra li tko još uvijek. Drift, grip svejedno, malo da se zekamo  šofe1
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Jadran 73 - Listopad 11, 2013, 23:09:04
TEST PATCH 0.6E4 (3D support - no change to physics)






Hello Racers, here is a new TEST PATCH : 0.6E4

You can read about LFS development in the main forum : (

This test patch is fully compatible with version 0.6E

You cannot upload hotlaps made with this test patch because it is only a test patch, not an official patch.

Please keep a backup of your LFS.exe from 0.6E so you can easily go back if there are any problems.

Changes from 0.6E to 0.6E4 :

Stereoscopic 3D support :

In the View Options screen you can select 3D mode on the second line.

Various options will then be available to you :

SBS / TAB - left and right eye images are displayed side by side or top and bottom

half / full - the image is compressed to half width or not compressed

HUD adjustment : Brings the 2D elements closer - this is good for a headset because you can bring the interface as near to you as the steering wheel.

3D adjustment : Makes 3D elements further away - this is good for a TV because the sky and distant objects will appear to be behind your screen.

Notes :


SBS half is a commonly used format and should be available on many 3D TV sets. Horizontal resolution is reduced. Most active shutter displays need to use this option or TAB half. I am interested to know which looks better.

TAB half should be the best option for passive displays which use alternate lines for left and right eye. Vertical resolution is reduced compared with 2D mode but there is no additional loss of resolution on a passive display (which must reduce vertical resolution of a full height image in 3D mode).

SBS full is the closest thing to what is required for an Oculus Rift, but the necessary distortion has not been applied. There is no Oculus Rift tracking support either. You may be able to use intermediate software to use this mode on an Oculus Rift, in which case you should probably use interface scaling to reduce the height of the HUD (Options... Display... Interface).

Other changes :

Lateral and longitudinal accelerometer values now work realistically
FIX : High frequency changes in acceleration were filtered in OutSim
FIX : Helmet stayed the same after changing driver in MP replays


A FULL version of LFS 0.6E must already be installed

Open the zip file and drag the specially named LFS exe file into your LFS folder.

NOTE : You can see if the patch is correctly installed when you run
the program. At the bottom of the entry screen : 0.6E4


TEST PATCH 0.6E4 (ZIP FILE) (if you already have 0.6E) : ( (1.0 MB)

Kopirano s TEST PATCH 0.6E4 (3D support - no change to physics) - Live for Speed (
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Jadran 73 - Studeni 08, 2013, 21:52:09
TEST PATCH 0.6E6 (3D TEST 3 - no change to physics)






Hello Racers, here is a new TEST PATCH : 0.6E6

You can read about LFS development in the main forum : (

This test patch is fully compatible with version 0.6E

You cannot upload hotlaps made with this test patch because it is only a test patch, not an official patch.

Please keep a backup of your LFS.exe from 0.6E so you can easily go back if there are any problems.

Changes from 0.6E5 to 0.6E6 :

- External views (TV, helicopter and SHIFT+U) are now available in 3D modes. Note that the mouse control in SHIFT+U mode is not exactly correct in all modes and the autocross editor is not yet available.

- New text commands /rift [on/off/reset] e.g. /rift reset will reset the orientation. This can be assigned to a function key or a wheel button in the controls screen.

- A small amount of status information about the Oculus Rift is displayed on the right of the view options screen including head tracking values if they are available.

- FIX : Selecting 2D or 3D mode did not disable or enable the Oculus Rift if it was the selected 3D device.

- FIX : Oculus Rift now takes priority over TrackIR so there should be no problem with having a TrackIR installed on your computer.


TEST PATCH 0.6E6 (ZIP FILE) (if you already have 0.6E) : ( (1.0 MB)
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Jadran 73 - Travanj 03, 2015, 15:39:56
Changes from 0.6G to 0.6H :

Westhill :

New version of Westhill with additional configurations
Full support for open configurations including access roads

Autocross Editor :

New adjustable concrete objects
Custom start positions and pit start points
Maximum autocross objects increased to 1800
Movable start lights included as an autocross object
Custom pit stop box disables pit lane and default pit stops
Custom pit stop box can now be used to repair car and refuel
Interface buttons now drawn in front of the object buttons
Pressing S/F/1/2/3 when object is selected now moves it
Pressing S/F/1/2/3 when object exists is now more helpful
Clicking colour instantly changes selected tyres or chalk
Clicking marshall position instantly changes selected marshall
Improved the appearance of marshall circles in the editor
Route checker index numbers now start at 1 instead of 0
The W/E keys instantly adjust width, no need to press M
Floating object buttons shown with different colour
X/Y/Z positions are now shown and can be typed in
Right click on X/Y/Z to move in steps of 1 metre
SHIFT+click to snap to 1 metre grid

Oculus Rift DK2 Rendering Misc :

Increased max cars in race from 32 to 40
Increased AU Autocross grid from 16 to 20
Increased BL Rallycross grids from 24 to 30
Maximum multiplayer car draw distance up from 300 to 500
Regenerated lightmaps and visible object lists on most tracks
Added paths at Fern Bay to cover road near Club and mini oval
InSim ISP_NCI packet added to give host more info about new guest
AI drivers hit wall entering pit lane at SO Classic / Town
Removed a corner marker from some configurations at Aston
Some tyres at Kyoto National disabled in other configs
Updated translations - thank you translators

New commands :

- Reset all lap counters and checkpoints passed as if the race had
just been started. This removes checkpoints passed.
So using this command on the first lap, before the first
checkpoint is passed, has no effect. After the first
checkpoint there is an effect. The first lap will not be
counted. This is intended to help with a rolling start after
a parade lap.

/setlap username X
- X is positive : Set the lap that the user is currently on (as
seen at the top right, not the number of laps completed). This
does not affect checkpoints passed. This may help with a driver
who reconnects after an unintended disconnection.
- X is zero : Same as the /zero_all command but for one driver.
- X is negative : subtract from the number of laps, without
affecting checkpoints passed. This may be useful as a penalty.

Oculus Rift DK2 Rendering
TIPS on using Live for Speed with an Oculus Rift DK2 :

1) How to get LFS running on your Rift DK2 :
- Oculus Configuration Utility - Set your Rift to extended mode
- Windows Display - use extended desktop mode (not duplicated)
- Set the DK2 to rotated mode in Windows (sometimes confusingly called portrait)
- Check that the light on the front of the DK2 is blue (receiving signal)
- Check that the DK2 part of the desktop has the correct orientation
- Start LFS and click 3D on the View Options Screen
- Select Oculus Rift and click OK
- If all is well, LFS offers "Exit LFS to restart using the Rift"
- Click OK to exit then when you restart LFS it should be in the Rift

2) To reset your seating position, there is a text command /rift reset which is assigned by default to the F8 key.
- When a new driver takes over, ask them to look straight ahead then press F8
- Key assignments can be edited in Options - Game - F1 to F8

3) If, for any reason, LFS ends up on the Rift in 2D mode or with a black screen, you can get it back like this :
- Press ALT+F4 to exit LFS
- Delete the file "card_cfg.txt" in your LFS folder, so LFS starts up on the primary device (usually your monitor)
- After starting LFS again you can try to enter 3D mode again

4) Accessing your desktop while LFS is on the Rift.
- You will probably find that your mouse cursor is confined to the Rift's virtual monitor
- Press CTRL+C to free the mouse and now the mouse can go onto the desktop
- When you click on a window on your desktop, LFS will be minimised
- To go back into the Rift, click on Live for Speed in your taskbar

5) Optional new command line options /rift=on and /rift=off

Use e.g. in a shortcut to make sure Rift mode is entered or not

LFS.exe /rift=on - try to go straight into Rift mode
LFS.exe /rift=off - do not go into Rift (ignores previous mode)

Oculus Runtime 0.4.2 (or later) is required


LFS - Content - Screenshots (
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Jadran 73 - Prosinac 20, 2015, 10:57:36
Changes from 0.6J to 0.6K :

New Track :

Rockingham race track is now included - S3 license required

AI :

Now avoid ramming other cars when in the pit lane or lap of honour
Max drivers in single player increased to 24 (online max still 40)

Graphics :

New reflections system and shaders for cars and buildings
Nearby objects are visible in new dynamic reflections on cars
Option to set number of dynamic reflections in main view and mirror
Misc option to enable a programmable post-processing shader
Exit the pits onto the Rockingham oval

Misc :

New command /rsh to reload shaders (e.g. after editing externally)
Maximum number of controllers increased to 10 (was previously 8)

VR :

HTC Vive headset is now supported through OpenVR
Oculus Rift support now requires runtime 0.7 or later
Improved dialog sequence after any error entering VR mode

Training lesson editor :

SHIFT+T on main entry screen to access lesson editor or list editor
Layouts for lessons must be copied from layout to training folder
SHIFT+T on training screen to view and test newly added lessons

Fixes :

Improved validity check when loading car colour settings
Alpha sorting issue on bricks at base of a South City building
AI could go wrong when entering BL pit lane for a pit stop
AI driver names can no longer be blank

Rockingham laser scanned environment
TIPS on using Live for Speed with a VR headset :

NOTE : For Oculus, Runtime 0.7 (or later) is required

1) How to enter VR mode in LFS :
- Start LFS and click 3D on the View Options Screen
- Select VR headset and click OK

2) To reset your seating position, the text command /rift reset is assigned by default to the F8 key.
- When a new driver takes over, ask them to look straight ahead then press F8
- Key assignments can be edited in Options - Game - F1 to F8

3) Accessing your desktop while LFS is in VR mode.
- You will find that your mouse cursor is confined to the LFS window
- Press CTRL+C to free the mouse and now the mouse can go onto the desktop
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: the_prodigy - Prosinac 20, 2015, 11:58:56
Samo 7 godina im je trebalo da naprave stazu  cer1njo
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Jadran 73 - Prosinac 20, 2015, 12:50:09
Istina...sad jos traze da se kupi S3 licenca (12 funti)  fpalm1

Kako neki pisu a i istina je   "The train has left the station a loooooong time ago..."
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Boss302 - Prosinac 20, 2015, 14:27:46
12 funti za novu stazu? Vidim da se furaju na EA cer1njo cer1njo
Naslov: Odg: Live for Speed (PC)
Autor: Spiex - Srpanj 20, 2016, 13:56:18
Pozdrav, jel igra sad netko u 2016. taj LFS, ja igram vec dugo godina, i trenutno i sada, ako netko ima, neka mi se javi da driftamo malo :D