Autor Tema: Race 07 [PC]  (Posjeta: 11094 vremena)

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Offline Jadran 73

Race 07 [PC]
« u: Prosinac 22, 2011, 23:33:09 »
Visit the RaceRoom online shop and pick up RACE 07 for just €1.50  ^-^
CPU: AMD FX-8320, 3700 MHz | MB: ASRock 990FX Extreme3 | GPU: Gainward GTX 680 Phantom 4GB / driver 358.50
| RAM: G Skill F3-2133C9-4GXL 2x4 GB | PSU: Corsair TX650W | Soundcard/Headphones: ASUS XONAR DG 5.1/Razer Carcharias
| Monitors: Samsung SM P2470HD + Benq FP73G | OS: Windows 10 x64
| Gamecontroler: T300 RS

Offline Jadran 73

Odg: Race 07 [PC]
« Odgovori #1 u: Ožujak 13, 2012, 18:48:10 »
RaceRoom Entertainment, Eurosport and SimBin Studios are proud to announce the Virtual World Touring Car Championship 2012 – a totally free PC game

News » Virtual WTCC 2012 » RaceRoom Online

CPU: AMD FX-8320, 3700 MHz | MB: ASRock 990FX Extreme3 | GPU: Gainward GTX 680 Phantom 4GB / driver 358.50
| RAM: G Skill F3-2133C9-4GXL 2x4 GB | PSU: Corsair TX650W | Soundcard/Headphones: ASUS XONAR DG 5.1/Razer Carcharias
| Monitors: Samsung SM P2470HD + Benq FP73G | OS: Windows 10 x64
| Gamecontroler: T300 RS