Autor Tema: F1 2011  (Posjeta: 123360 vremena)

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F1 2011
« u: Prosinac 14, 2011, 21:27:03 »

HCL Recenzija: F1 2011
# Kolega Montoya recenzirao, moja malenkost posnimila, odnosno vozila za video recenziju. ^^
« Zadnja izmjena: Veljača 12, 2012, 10:36:19 od Cole »

Offline Cole™

Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #1 u: Prosinac 15, 2011, 13:07:05 »
Nisam je sada već dugo dugo igrao, nadam se da ćemo uskoro počet dnevnik karijere. =)
CASE: CoolerMaster HAF 912 Plus || CPU: CPU AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 4.4GHz || MBO: MSI X570-A PRO, AM4 || RAM: DDR4 16GB (2x8) 3200MHz Fury || GPU: GeForce® GTX 1070 WINDFORCE OC 8G - Gigabyte  || SSD: SSD KIN 240GB HyperX Savage || HDD: 2 TB Toshiba || HDD 2: WD 1TB blackcaviar || EHDD: WD 500 GB || POWER: Fortron 750W Raider II || LCD: DELL S2415H 23.8" IPS glossy || OS: Windows 10® - 64bit || GAME CONTROLER: Xbox One Controller for PC || KEYBOARD: Logitech Illuminated Keyboard K740 || MOUSE: Logitech G502 ||  RACING CHAIR: NITRO CONCEPTS E200 Race || SPEAKERS: Logitech Z323 || HEADSET: Hyper Cloud II || CONSOLE: PS4 PRO 1TB

Offline Shimmy

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  • But you don't know how I can drive!
Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #2 u: Prosinac 15, 2011, 13:23:20 »
Ja ju igram otkad sma ju kupio, jedno mjesec i pol, konstantno na veliko. Imam već blizu 50 sati  ;D

Zapravo od svih tema na forumu, najviše mi žao dnevnika F1 jer sam ga lijepo počeo pisati od prve utrke prve sezone, i taman se dogodilo to s*anje kada je meni karijera počela biti opako uzbudljiva  8)
Track drivers see the same corner thousands of times, rally drivers see a thousand corners one time.

Offline ZoNTrA

Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #3 u: Prosinac 15, 2011, 18:46:06 »
Od sutra i ja krećem ovo ponovno igrati.
@Shimmy, e ne može, sad se prisjeti svih utrka sezone i oćemo lijepi izvještaj. ::)

Offline Shimmy

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  • But you don't know how I can drive!
Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #4 u: Prosinac 15, 2011, 20:20:09 »
A probat ću nešto, ali ne želim opet biti sam koji piše - kad sam aj počeo, svi prestali ;D

Evo, neka netko započne, i kad to vidim, da nisam jedini koji igra, počinjem i ja  :P

BTW - svi koji igrate, ako igrate online štogod, mogli bi me addati. Ne znam na pamet koji mi je nick na Live-u, no nešto je od sljedećeg: Shimmy, Shimmy555, Shimmy88 (ili sa 3 osmice), ili Poetic Pitbull (sa ili bez razmaka, nemam pojma  ::))
Track drivers see the same corner thousands of times, rally drivers see a thousand corners one time.

Offline Cole™

Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #5 u: Prosinac 15, 2011, 20:31:36 »
Updejt prvog posta!

Tam početkom idućeg tjedna radim topik dnevnika. ^^
CASE: CoolerMaster HAF 912 Plus || CPU: CPU AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 4.4GHz || MBO: MSI X570-A PRO, AM4 || RAM: DDR4 16GB (2x8) 3200MHz Fury || GPU: GeForce® GTX 1070 WINDFORCE OC 8G - Gigabyte  || SSD: SSD KIN 240GB HyperX Savage || HDD: 2 TB Toshiba || HDD 2: WD 1TB blackcaviar || EHDD: WD 500 GB || POWER: Fortron 750W Raider II || LCD: DELL S2415H 23.8" IPS glossy || OS: Windows 10® - 64bit || GAME CONTROLER: Xbox One Controller for PC || KEYBOARD: Logitech Illuminated Keyboard K740 || MOUSE: Logitech G502 ||  RACING CHAIR: NITRO CONCEPTS E200 Race || SPEAKERS: Logitech Z323 || HEADSET: Hyper Cloud II || CONSOLE: PS4 PRO 1TB

Offline Shimmy

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  • But you don't know how I can drive!
Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #6 u: Prosinac 15, 2011, 21:18:34 »

Nego da ne kažem samo jednu riječ, da iskomentirma malo igru sad kad sma ju već poprilično igrao. Tj, ne, neću to napraviti jer recenzija je već napisana a ja mogu s*at u beskonačnost  ;D
No kratak komentar - igra je stvarno nešto najbolje što mi se dogodilo u racingu još od GRiD-a koji je vidi vraga, od istog proizvođača  :)
Dapače, stvar ide toliko daleko da, iako oduvijek volim F1 kao sport, nisam bio baš ono, zagriženi obožavatelj, ali sada zbog igre sam se toliko duboko unio u F1 da ne prođe dan da ne pogledam vijesti na službenoj F1 stranici, neki filmić ili više njih na youtubeu vezano za sport, te odbrojavam dane do nove sezone ^^

F1 2011 -  :-*  (kad već nema onaj hug  ::))
« Zadnja izmjena: Prosinac 15, 2011, 21:22:01 od Shimmy »
Track drivers see the same corner thousands of times, rally drivers see a thousand corners one time.

Offline Montoya

Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #7 u: Prosinac 19, 2011, 15:25:12 »
Upalil danas igru baš da vidim dal je pal koji patch nakon tolko dana - i je!
Probal odma dal popravlja framerate - opet da, lijepo!

Patch 1.02

   Game Improvements:
o   A connectivity rating display has now been implemented for each player in an online session lobby. This appears as coloured bars (red, amber, green) to indicate the expected online performance of the player in the game session.
o   More network bandwidth is now reserved for game-critical systems in online sessions. This may result in low-bandwidth users having their voice chat restricted to fewer players, but should result in a smoother online experience.

   Strategy & Setup:
o   Fixed 11/11 car setup bug.
o   Fixed issue where your race strategy uses the same tyre compound three times in a row & the final set are worn.
o   Fixed issue where wear-based punctures would occur too often.
o   Fixed various issues with the race engineer speech logic.

   AI:
o   Fixed an issue where the AI run on Intermediates for too long.
o   Fixed issue where AI cars would be too fast in the wet.
o   Fixed an issue where AI vehicles pitted too often during dry, online races .
o   The AI has been tuned on several circuits to provide smoother and faster driving.
o   Fixed issue where the AI’s sector 1 times in Malaysia were too slow

   Co –op Championship:
o   Fixed an issue with the save becoming corrupt / not able to invite the other player when playing long race weekends.
o   Fixed an issue where AI difficulty was reset to “Amateur” level when resuming a Coop game.
o   Fixed an issue with tyre wear in Practice/Qualifying not being carried over to Race.
o   Fixed an issue with the penalties accrued in Practice/Qualifying not being applied to the Race.
o   Fixed an issue with the Race Results where lapped AI are causing player to drop positions.

   Online:
o   Vote to Skip in Qualifying now requires 100% vote.
o   Various Penalty system improvements have been made.
o   Quick Race countdown timer is now set to 60 Seconds and no longer resets when a player joins the session.
o   Fixed issue where host and client machines would report different qualification results during online games
o   Fixed an issue where online players would sometimes see other players or AI cars using the wrong tyres.

   Graphics & Performance:
o   PS3 – Improved frame rate & performance.
o   Xbox360 & PC - Numerous performance improvements have been made to increase frame rate and reduce stuttering.
o   All Platforms – Numerous graphical improvements have been made.
o   All Platforms – Fixed various issues to improve general game stability.

   PC-specific:
o   Fixed several functionality issues experienced when using DX11 cards.
o   Fixed issue where users could hack specific files to increase car grip.

   Other:
o   Fixed a very infrequent issue where some sessions would be skipped over when progressing to the next session during a Long Race Weekend.
o   Korea tyre compounds have been changed to those used in the 2011 race.
o   Fixed an issue where in career where the "on the bounce" achievement was awarded after 11 race wins instead of 9.
o   Fixed an issue where all users would be awarded the fastest lap XP and stat during some online races.
o   Fixed an issue where driver's hands & head popped in a few frames late when switching cameras.
o   Fixed issue where players were able to post extremely quick Time Trial times
o   Introduced option to have 30%, 40% & 75% races.

Ovo zadnje također je zanimljiva novost.
CroGrid & CroSimRacing osnivač i administrator

od 2008. & od 2009.

"And I came way too far in this game to turn and walk away"

"Nothin to smile about, I'm about to lose my mind"

Offline Shimmy

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  • But you don't know how I can drive!
Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #8 u: Prosinac 19, 2011, 17:35:27 »
Meni je taj patch sje... igru, što zna Cole, gdje sam popizdio i skoro prestao igrati, da nisam našao rješenje nakon nekog vremena.

Za sve kojima će eventualno se igra smrzavati pri izlasku iz garaže nakon stavljanja patcha - ovdje je rješenje
Track drivers see the same corner thousands of times, rally drivers see a thousand corners one time.

Offline Cole™

Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #9 u: Prosinac 19, 2011, 17:54:40 »
Patch prije toga ti je sjebao igru, ne ovaj. Ovo je jucer izaslo mislim  :o
CASE: CoolerMaster HAF 912 Plus || CPU: CPU AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 4.4GHz || MBO: MSI X570-A PRO, AM4 || RAM: DDR4 16GB (2x8) 3200MHz Fury || GPU: GeForce® GTX 1070 WINDFORCE OC 8G - Gigabyte  || SSD: SSD KIN 240GB HyperX Savage || HDD: 2 TB Toshiba || HDD 2: WD 1TB blackcaviar || EHDD: WD 500 GB || POWER: Fortron 750W Raider II || LCD: DELL S2415H 23.8" IPS glossy || OS: Windows 10® - 64bit || GAME CONTROLER: Xbox One Controller for PC || KEYBOARD: Logitech Illuminated Keyboard K740 || MOUSE: Logitech G502 ||  RACING CHAIR: NITRO CONCEPTS E200 Race || SPEAKERS: Logitech Z323 || HEADSET: Hyper Cloud II || CONSOLE: PS4 PRO 1TB

Offline Shimmy

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  • But you don't know how I can drive!
Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #10 u: Prosinac 19, 2011, 18:48:51 »
Ne bih rekao, mislim da je to taj jer imam od tad već mogućnost ovih 30, 40, 75% utrka. Dapače, drugu sezonu vozim na 40 već tjedan - dva (prvu sam na 20)
Track drivers see the same corner thousands of times, rally drivers see a thousand corners one time.

Offline ZoNTrA

Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #11 u: Prosinac 20, 2011, 12:46:57 »
Moaro bih i ja s tim probat

Offline Iceman

Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #12 u: Prosinac 21, 2011, 16:53:21 »
Trenutno pauziram (kako ste vi shebali forum tako sam ja shebo windows), otišli sejvovi instaliranih igri pa tako i F1 2011. Pauza će vjerojatno potrajati dok ne počne predsezona prave formule, pa ću se i ja tada zagrijati

Offline Praetorian

Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #13 u: Prosinac 22, 2011, 21:07:45 »
Al ovaj patch opet nije popravio pokvarene sejvove, svakih 3-4 dana mi se sejvovi koruptaju i moram radit fix da bih ušao u igru postaje naporno cryCH

Offline Zg_freak

Odg: F1 2011
« Odgovori #14 u: Prosinac 22, 2011, 21:47:41 »
Nisam igrao dugo, jebate FIFA mi oduzima vrijeme. ::)