Autor Tema: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode  (Posjeta: 222912 vremena)

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Offline DogZy

Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #645 u: Studeni 17, 2013, 09:52:38 »
Napredak se vidi.

Prva teži nekoj realnosti, zbog kamere i blura thumbs1

A i dim je dobar ;D
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline Shimmy

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Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #646 u: Studeni 17, 2013, 09:57:01 »
Hvala. Iako sam upalio taj GT svega 2-3 puta od zadnjh fotki. Igraju se druge stvari, odlučio sam se ne preozbiljno posvetiti petici nego smao malo guštati kad se zaželim, nego onda se skroz baciti u šesticu kad dođe tj kad ju nabavim
Track drivers see the same corner thousands of times, rally drivers see a thousand corners one time.

Offline DogZy

Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #647 u: Studeni 17, 2013, 10:02:27 »
Da sam na tvom mjestu, mislim da i ja tako napravio...Krstarenje petom i onda gas do daske u šestu ubaciti ;D

Ne znam kako ću od faksa stići, ali bi volio odvoziti online utrke prvu večer (kad ću moći, ne prva večer) s ekipom i onda dalje samo slikao i slikao. A onda na ljeto TT-ovi, online za dodatno brušenje skilla.
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline Thergothon

Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #648 u: Studeni 17, 2013, 11:29:18 »
Prva  thumbs1

Offline DogZy

You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline Shimmy

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Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #650 u: Studeni 21, 2013, 22:28:58 »
Čudo slike, iako je ovo strašno modificirano na kompu čini mi se. Tj, ako se ne varam, ovakve boje i efekti se ne mogu postići samim photomodeom
Track drivers see the same corner thousands of times, rally drivers see a thousand corners one time.

Offline DogZy

Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #651 u: Studeni 21, 2013, 22:38:47 »
Naravno da je. Ovakve se slike koriste u GTP-ovim 2.0 i 3.0 Photomode natjecanjima, onima namjenjenima s editima.

Volio bih i ja editirat ovako, ali to zahtjeva puno vremena kojeg nemam.

BTW, prijavio sam se na Photomode competion (non-edit natjecanje)  ;D

Jbg, stavio sam sliku za koju sam mislio da je najbolja, ali nisam siguran hehe

The Photomode Competition 154 - OPEN - GTPlanet

Aj mi vi recite koja je najbolja od ovih koje mogu staviti unutra, može se jednom mijenjati slika, tako da... hug1

« Zadnja izmjena: Studeni 21, 2013, 22:47:45 od DogZy »
You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline Shimmy

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Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #652 u: Studeni 22, 2013, 17:48:37 »
Meni je možda druga čak. Nekako mi ovo nije auto za drift fotke a ova ruga mi je skroz jeben kut jednog od najpoznatijih zavoja motorsporta
Track drivers see the same corner thousands of times, rally drivers see a thousand corners one time.

Offline Montoya

Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #653 u: Studeni 22, 2013, 18:32:16 »
Treća s desna meni....


CroGrid & CroSimRacing osnivač i administrator

od 2008. & od 2009.

"And I came way too far in this game to turn and walk away"

"Nothin to smile about, I'm about to lose my mind"

Offline Shimmy

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Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #654 u: Studeni 22, 2013, 18:38:25 »
I ta, ta mi je druga  shy1
Track drivers see the same corner thousands of times, rally drivers see a thousand corners one time.

Offline DogZy

Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #655 u: Svibanj 12, 2014, 14:07:07 »
Imao sam prilike se družiti s GT5 i još nekim drugim igrama nakratko. I u to vrijeme sam bio hiperaktivan, puno toga sam htio napraviti, nešto jesam uspio, nešto nisam... Prije svega, htio sam se uhvatiti fotografiranja McLarena F1, okačio sam nekoliko fotki, ali nisam zadovoljan rezultatima. Glavni je problem bila boja. Htio sam ga slikati u njegovim originalnim bojama, jet black, magnesium silver, da bude što autentičnije - a na raspolaganju sam imao samo onu kričavo narančastu boju, mislim da je electric orange. Da, znam da je narančasta McLarenova boja, ali u tom trenutku nisam htio to. Odgodio sam spoj s Mac-om do daljnjega.

Cijelo to vrijeme sam imao u glavi da F40 set nije dovršen, iako sam imao dosta fotki s plavim F40 po Le Sartheu. Pa sam iz garaže uzeo jednog (od dva) u rosso corsa boji, boji kojoj inače dolazi i bio mi je dosadan. Nisam htio da izgleda kao i svaki drugi F40, uvijek ta jarko crvena nja nja nja kava1 ;D Pa sam ga opiturao u Ferrarijevu Rosso Monza, koja je tamnija i ide malo prema bordo boji. E, to je to! I onda sam se bacio na posao.... Velika većina su statične fotografije, a iz toga proizlazi da je izazov napraviti neku novu sliku, koja već nije napravljena.

Još jedan od mojih propusta je bio i izostanak F430 s liste slikanih auta. I tu opet dolazimo do boje.  cer1njo Imao sam ga kupljenog u Ferrarijevoj Argento Nurburgring i htio sam probati što mogu s ponuđenim. I mislim da sam s kreativnošću (nekonvencionalni kutevi, minimalizam) uspio iscijediti iz F430 dosta.

I zadnji set, od svega tri slike, je bio ponovno s Jaguarom XJ13 '66 u Kyotou, gdje sam htio istaknuti njegove obline, pa ipak dolazi iz zlatnog doba dizajna shy1.  U british racing green boji je to bilo teško. Zasad, evo tri slike s njim. p1va

You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline Shimmy

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  • But you don't know how I can drive!
Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #656 u: Svibanj 13, 2014, 10:13:35 »
Zakovice FTW  ;D
Track drivers see the same corner thousands of times, rally drivers see a thousand corners one time.

Offline DogZy

Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #657 u: Svibanj 13, 2014, 21:00:28 »

You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline DogZy

Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #658 u: Svibanj 14, 2014, 21:57:53 »
Details #2

You are aiming for just one sweet spot in the corner. It's the point where centrifugal and cornering forces reach their equilibrium, where they are all at once replaced with acceleration.
APEX - The invisible vertex of a corner, a place where the fastest lap times are recorded.

Offline Montoya

Odg: Gran Turismo 5 Photomode
« Odgovori #659 u: Svibanj 15, 2014, 09:50:02 »
Ferrarii, posebno drugi set, prva slika  thumbs1
CroGrid & CroSimRacing osnivač i administrator

od 2008. & od 2009.

"And I came way too far in this game to turn and walk away"

"Nothin to smile about, I'm about to lose my mind"