Na vrlo atraktivnoj službenoj stranici igre, u koju ulazite “na svoju odgovornost“, pojavilo se mnoštvo materijala vezanog uz igru. Tako sada znamo popis vozila, lokacija/staza i modova iz igre, zbog kojeg će mnogi još nestrpljivije čekati 17. veljače, europski datum izlaska. David Jaffe već je prije potvrdio i demo verziju, koju možemo očekivati malo prije ili ubrzo nakon izlaska same igre. U nastavku vijesti očekuju vas tri popisa, a sadrže 17 vozila, osam lokacija i sedam modova igre, koji jasno daju naslutiti kako će multiplayer imati glavnu riječ. Nakon što pogledate sadržaj koji će ponuditi ova velika PS3 ekskluziva, navratite do naše forumske Twisted Metal teme i uključite se u rasprave.
- Axel
- Sweet Tooth
- Darkside
- Reaper
- Shadow
- Crimson Fury
- Death Warrant
- Juggernaut
- Junkyard Dog
- Meat Wagon
- Outlaw
- Roadboat
- Roadkill
- Spectre
- Talon
- Vermin
- Warthog
- Death Match
- Last Man Standing
- Hunted
- Team Death Match
- Team Last Man Standing
- Team Hunted
- Nuke
Adventure Park
In for a wicked ride? Big Time Adventure is no ordinary theme park, but a sadistic playland operated on twisted amusement.
Blackrock Stadium
This is where death comes to play. The crowd at Black Rock Stadium screams for extreme head-to-head combat and ultimate destruction as they watch cars slaughter each other in Calypso’s beloved death-sport arena.
Diablo Pass
Speed through the desert outside of Las Vegas with a dry sense of humor. Winding roads, canyon-side cliffs and steep hills make up the death-defying Devil’s Canyon.
Diesel City
The City isn’t what it used to be. The shady streets and run-down highways reek of mischief and corruption, ready for a massacre to explode at any moment.
Los Angeles Skyline
Ascend to a modern battle arena atop Los Angeles’ tallest skyscrapers. Witness opponents fall to their death from the dangerous rooftops of the LA Skyline.
Metro Square
Metro Square is the metropolitan heart for big-city action and annihilation. Bright lights become spotlights for high-speed violence and urban destruction.
Sunsprings, California
The suburbs aren’t quiet anymore. In a classic warfare between two rival high schools, no one stands a chance. Demolish all the neighborhood buildings and houses that stand in your way.
Watkyn’s Harbor
Enter the industrial zone of east Los Angeles at your own risk. Harbor City is the city’s grimy oil center — lined with underground canals and smoky pathways.