Gran Turismo 5 – Spec 2.0 Update sadržaj, skrinsi i datum izlaska & DLC novosti

Kazunori Yamauchi je danas preko svog Twittera obznanio što nam sve donosi Spec 2.0 update, a usput i ugrubo najavio sadržaj nadolazećeg DLC-a. Nabrojano je ukupno 15 noviteta, a neki od njih su mogućnost spremanja pozicije u Endurance utrkama, prematanje replaya, 11 novih NASCAR 2011 auta i službena podrška za Logitech G25/G27 volane. Spec 2.0 biti će besplatan, a potvrđeni datum izlaska je 11. listopada. DLC će se prema svemu sudeći plaćati, a evo i kratkog osvrta Kazunoria na njega:

“For the DLC we’re preparing a racing car pack, a course pack, and a racing gear pack…I’ll let you know more about…”

Također vrlo obećavajuće. Kompletan popis noviteta koje donosi Spec 2.0 update, kao i komentar Yamauchia na njega te nekoliko skrinsa, pogledajte u nastavku, a sve skupa prokomentirajte u našoj Gran Turismo 5 temi.

Spec 2.0 Update

1. Simplified interior view added to all standard cars.

2. User control of the weather change feature.

3. Added a setting sheet feature allowing you to save multiple car settings…

4. Spec 2.0 Opening movie

5. Improved UI (user interface) response and usability

6. Replay front forward/rewind

7. Mid-race save feature for endurance races.

8. Expanded online lounge features (Narrowing down car types, shuffle races)…

9. Expansion of the B-Spec remote race you can play from (a graph display now shows changes in race rankings.)

10. Expanded Photo travel features / You can now take photo’s of cars together with your avatar..

11. Added a “NASCAR Pit Scene” stage to Photo Travel

12. Added eleven 2011 model NASCAR cars

13. Added the Nissan GT-R N24 Shulze Motor Sport

14. Improved physics and AI…

15. Support for the Logitec G25/G27 Steering wheel.


Komentar Kazunoria Yamauchia:

“The coming Gran Turismo 5 Spec 2 update is an update that contains the feedback from the users playing GT5 online every day. We have added cars such as the newest NASCAR race cars, but many of the updates are those that improve usability and expand the field of game play. I believed from the initial release of Gran Turismo 5 that it would be the users that would make the game grow thereafter, and we added things like interior views for the standard models because there was a lot of request for it from our users. You could say that this update is the shape and form of GT5 that was created through the opinions of our fans.”


Spec 2.0 skrinsi