Data Flow Analysis Definition The meaning of Data Flow Analysis

A variable is only live if it’s used before it is overwritten, so assigning to the variable kills information. In the case of available expressions, it is conservative to produce a subset of the exact set of available expressions. The argument for subsets being conservative is that our intended use of the information is to replace the computation of an available expression by a previously computed value. Not knowing an expres-sion is available only inhibits us from improving the code, while believing an expression is available when it is not could cause us to change what the program computes. The use of D rather than U makes the available-expression equations behave differently from those of reaching definitions. In that way, we never assumed that a definition d could reach a point p unless an actual path propagating d to pcould be found.

  • We can solve this problem with a classic constant propagation lattice combined with symbolic evaluation.
  • The compiler was smart enough to use the D units on both sides of the pipe , enabling it to parallelize the instructions and only use one clock.
  • This operator is the proper one because an expression is available at the beginning of a block only if it is available at the end of all its predecessors.
  • 1.Locate statement that passes format string to a format string function.

However, this flavor of dead code is invisible to the compiler because the flag can be turned on at any moment. Definitive initialization proves that variables are known to be initialized when read. If we find a variable which is read when not initialized then we generate a warning. Let’s consider a slightly more complex example, and think about how we can compute the sets of possible values algorithmically.

A flow-sensitive analysis takes into account the order of statements in a program. There are several implementations of IFDS-based dataflow analyses for popular programming languages, e.g. in the Soot and WALA frameworks for Java analysis. The following are examples of properties of computer programs that can be calculated by data-flow analysis. Note that the properties calculated by data-flow analysis are typically only approximations of the real properties. This is because data-flow analysis operates on the syntactical structure of the CFG without simulating the exact control flow of the program. However, to be still useful in practice, a data-flow analysis algorithm is typically designed to calculate an upper respectively lower approximation of the real program properties.

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Diagnostics would use this information to show a sample buggy code path to the user. This approach proves to be particularly useful for modeling pointer values, since we don’t care about specific addresses but just want to give a unique identifier to a memory location. This technique is implemented in hardware in somepipelined processors with multiple functional units. It allows instructions to be executed as soon as their inputs are available, independent of the original program order. B ] , then there is no path from d to the beginning or end of block B, respectively, along which the variable defined by d might not be redefined. ], then there is a path from d to the beginning or end of block B, respectively, along which the variable defined by d might not be redefined.

definition of data flow analysis

In terms of the CFG, we join the information from all predecessor basic blocks. Effects of control flow are modeled by joining the knowledge from all possible previous program points. Using this CFG, we can reason globally about the behavior of a program by reasoning locally about facts. For example, we may want to know if there are any possible null-pointer exceptions in our program. We can do this by reasoning locally about the definitions in our CFG.

Sample problem and an ad-hoc solution¶

There are other symbol variations in use as well, so the important thing to keep in mind is to be clear and consistent in the shapes and notations you use to communicate and collaborate with others. Improve processes Identify gaps, pinpoint inefficiencies, and mitigate risk in your workflows. Create powerful visuals to improve your ideas, projects, and processes. •Lexical analysis is the process of taking an input string of characters and producing a sequence of symbols called lexical tokens. Some tools preprocess and tokenize source files and then match the lexical tokens against a library of sinks.

definition of data flow analysis

In the following example, the raw pointer is used to access the heap object after the ownership has been transferred. Is assigned a concrete value, its possible set of values contains just that specific value. Here, /\ refers to “meet,” which is union for may analyses and intersection for must analyses. Or OUTp9], then there is no path from the beginning or end of block B, respectively, along which x might be used.

Here you’ll get most accurate definitions, close synonyms and antonyms, related words, phrases and questions, rhymes, usage index and more. It may require more text to reach the necessary level of detail about the system’s functioning. One main difference in their symbols is that Yourdon-Coad and Yourdon-DeMarco use circles for processes, while Gane and Sarson use rectangles with rounded corners, sometimes called lozenges.

9.12, there is no definition that must be the definition of a at that point, so this set is empty for a at point . Even if a variable has a unique definition at a point, that definition must assign a constant to the variable. Thus, we may simply describe certain variables as “not a constant,” instead of collecting all their possible values or all their possible definitions. If we look closely at our English definitions, we can also figure out the facts we’re reasoning about and our Gen and Kill sets. In live variables, for example, we are reasoning about variables. A variable is only live if it’s used, so using a variable in an expression generates information.

When we move backward, we get our output by taking the union or intersection of all the inputs of all of the successors, and we get our intput by reasoning locally about our facts. The algorithm is executed until all facts converge, that is, until they don’t change anymore. In a may analysis, we care about the facts that may be true at p. That is, they are true for some path up to or from p, depending on the direction of the analysis.


The result is typically used bydead code elimination to remove statements that assign to a variable whose value is not used afterwards. After solving this set of equations, the entry and/or exit states of the blocks can be used to derive properties of the program at the block boundaries. The transfer function of each statement separately can be applied to get information at a point inside a basic block. Note that using values read from uninitialized variables is undefined behaviour in C++. Generally, compilers and static analysis tools can assume undefined behavior does not happen. We must model uninitialized variables only when we are implementing a checker that specifically is trying to find uninitialized reads.

Without a SAT solver, we could keep the flow condition in the CNF form and then it would be easy to check the implication. Should not be checked in both the outer and inner “if” statements. Prove that the function completely overwrites the pointee on all paths before returning.

definition of data flow analysis

This analysis could be fed back into control-flow analysis, resulting in more precise slices. Data Flow Diagram takes long time to be generated, and many times due to this reasons analysts are denied permission to work on it. It is a graphical representation which is very easy to understand as it helps visualize contents. A single DFD can have maximum processes upto 9 and minimum 3 processes. Terminator The Terminator is an external entity that stands outside of the system and communicates with the system. It can be, for example, organizations like banks, groups of people like customers or different departments of the same organization, which is not a part of the model system and is an external entity.

C++ virtual member functions could be supported, if C++ virtual tables could be accessed via shared virtual memory. As HSA platforms become more mature, we expect even more C++ constructs to be made available within HSAIL kernels. Value of the data element that is passed to the format string function includes incorrectly validated input that is accepted by a statement. There is an initial period (cycles n and n+1), called the prolog when the pipes are being “primed” or initially loaded with operations. It is in this section that the processor is performing three different operations for three different loops .

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The data flow property represents information that can be used for optimization. The next section gives the details of how data flows among the blocks. To solve a backward problem, instead of initializing O U T , we initialize I N . Sets I N and O U T have their roles interchanged, and use and def substitute for gen and kill, respectively. As for reaching definitions, the solution to the liveness equations is not necessarily unique, and we want the so-lution with the smallest sets of live variables.

definition of data flow analysis

You can use an AST to perform a deeper analysis of the source elements to help track data flows and identify sinks and sink sources. Intraprocedural analysis is performed within the scope of an individual procedure (C++ function, Java method). Interprocedural analysis is performed across the boundaries of individual procedures (C++ functions, Java methods) and is performed on all of the procedures in an executable program. It can sometimes make sense to perform interprocedural analyses within an intermediate level, such as a library or a Java package.

Symbols and Notations Used in DFDs

Situations of misunderstanding between clients and team members could lead to an increase in overall project time. To avoid such unfavorable scenarios, we prepare the knowledge base. In the glossary we gather the main specialized terms that are frequently used in the working process. All meanings are written according to their generally accepted international interpretation. For convenience, you can use the search bar to simplify and speed up the search process. Data flow diagrams are well suited for analysis or modeling of various types of systems in different fields.

For just two examples, a compiler then knows whether xis a constant at point p, and a debugger can tell whether it is possible for x to be an undefined variable, should x be used at p. While a data-flow schema technically involves data-flow values at each point in the program, we can save time and space by recognizing that what goes on inside a block is usually quite simple. Control flows from the beginning to the end of the block, without interruption or branching. Thus, we can restate the schema in terms of data-flow values entering and leaving the blocks. We denote the data-flow values immediately before and immediately after each basic block B by mand 0 U T , respectively. The constraints involving m and 0UT can be derived from those involving wand OUT for the various statements s in B as follows.

Computing the join in the lattice corresponds to finding the lowest common ancestor between two nodes in its Hasse diagram. For this problem we will use the lattice of subsets of integers, with set inclusion relation as ordering and set union as a join. Abstract algebra provides a nice formalism that models this kind of structure, namely, a lattice. A join-semilattice is a partially ordered set, in which every two elements definition of data flow analysis have a least upper bound . Task easier, the CFG of the program is traversed prior to the local analysis phase, and for each LHS reference a pointer is stored in the header of all enclosing loop nests. Can be performed on the classes of equivalent expressions–if define/use/kill information is taken into account–the information about equivalent expressions can be used to reduce the number of objects considered.

What are your DFD needs?

It initially contains all variables live in the block, before the transfer function is applied and the actual contained values are computed. The transfer function of a statement is applied by killing the variables that are written within this block . The out-state of a block is the set of variables that are live at the end of the block and is computed by the union of the block’s successors’ in-states. The live variable analysis calculates for each program point the variables that may be potentially read afterwards before their next write update.

The initial value of the in-states is important to obtain correct and accurate results. If the results are used for compiler optimizations, they should provide conservative information, i.e. when applying the information, the program should not change semantics. The iteration of the fixpoint algorithm will take the values in the direction of the maximum element. Initializing all blocks with the maximum element is therefore not useful.

Uninitialized variables and “bottom” values¶

Notice that a definition may appear in both the gen and kill set of a basic block. If so, the fact that it is in gen takes precedence, because in gen-kill form, the kill set is applied before the gen set. To decide in general whether each path in a flow graph can be taken is an undecidable problem. Thus, we simply assume that every path in the flow graph can be followed in some execution of the program.


In this example we show how to model uninitialized variables only to demonstrate the concept of “bottom”, and how it applies to possible value analysis. We describe an analysis that finds uninitialized reads in a section below. In fact, if we properly order the blocks in the for-loop of line , there is empirical evidence that the average number of iterations of the while-loop is under 5 (see Section 9.6.7). Since sets of definitions can be represented by bit vectors, and the operations on these sets can be implemented by logical operations on the bit vectors, Algorithm 9.11 is surprisingly efficient in practice. “Reaching definitions” is one of the most common and useful data-flow schemas. By knowing where in a program each variable xmay have been defined when control reaches each point p, we can determine many things about x.